Wednesday, May 10, 2006

today LEPAK punya la gerek. hahas. a new member was added. itu pun because me and friends ajak. hahas. gerek sey today one. more lively. haiis, ibu kamu boleh bergurau-senda yarh bersama kamu(?) sweet. hahas. then the orang mabuk. *open mouth* what only that guy. *giggles* rabak sey we laugh today. so many fun moments. hahas. bobo it's true. when normal days we tak rapat and go crazy. but bila exams, lepak brudder/sister. hahas. siapa ajar ah that(?) hehe. *thinking*...

today paper was easy i guess. actually i did struggle a little. on the bina ayat. they totally slip out of my mind sey. i don't know what happen. haiis, i think i'm going to flop. boleh suddenly almost all the BASICS faded from my brain. ALLAH! but what's done, done. down to one paper. home economics. ala, i want to fail that paper ah. haiis...

hey, um sorry ah tadi i became cold towards you over the telephone. i didn't mean to. i know i jump to conclusion. i know i shouldn't have. and see i told you, you won't know if i'm truly happy or sad. even when i was laughing like crazy with my friends, i wasn't truly happy. i never reveal my true feelings. so don't try me. blueek. hahas.

ala hai, farah farah, lain kali don't tell the whole world ok? tapi kali ini saya diam. and it's NOT i stead with matin bin othman. must say with slang. hahas.what only raudhah.
i was being unfair towards you
i was being cold towards you
i never gave you the love that you gave me
i never achieve what you told me to

i almost lost the person i love
i almost let go of the guy i wanted
i kept my feelings inside
i kept nothing else inside

i reach out for your hand
i reach out for the love we had

what i wanted in life appeared
what i wanted forever disappeared

why was it destined to be like this
why was it destined that i be like this

our hand collided when we first got together
our love grew when we got together

what does all this mean(?)
what does all this really mean(?)

whatever i did just now was crap. hahas. i go jiwang mood. don't what's got into me. haiis. ok i now want to go smash my fucking guitar. hahas. troots troots out-sie...