Sunday, September 03, 2006

yesterday was so not a good night. darn. how could i totally forget to put it back into the purse?? dang! i'm so dead if he ask seys. but ok i'll just honestly tell him. but could he at least NOT scold or shout first. there ARE good qualities about him ok. he's not like the previous him. no offence ok. haiyoosh. sorry eyh nadrah & kak marie to sms malam2 yesterday. he already membuta semalam. haiis...

ok, a year have past. now then i watch the damn CD. ahahaha slow me. i watch the national day one ah the finale part. obviously i can spot him. as usual. he always stands at the back. standard him. he was with bodyguard. so cute seys they. hahas. dengan semangat. hahas. very funny. hehes. but the most funny and cute part is... bodyguard doing jumping jacks and tuck jump during PAKA camp. so upfront seys. very funny. hahas. very the cute. and so like selenge. hahas. too bad can't spot him. but nevermind. hahas. funny seys bodyguard do. can laugh till like don't know what. ahahahaha...

tomorrow is 'n' level paper one aite? good luck yea to the jester and to NA's yea. haiis. malay paper one. DO WELL. gugugugu. and oh ya! tomorrow got band. aiyaa. but nevermind. pagi takper. don't petang. boleh maut. so tomorrow 0800-1200. wheee~ can't wait to play my insulting part. ahahaha. very fun lerx. and i don't see conductor play one. i memorize the places to hit one lerx. haiyaa. like the show drumline. he can't read notes. he memorizes the beat and the hits. cool. hahahs.

i seriously don't know what to blog about already. oh yea. this is the second year already. haiyoosh. started blogging ummm, two years ago. eEna introduce it to me. hahas. ok i want to surf the net. no wait. i better go iron some clothes first. woots.

you + me = together or apart? you decide yea mr28 :)