Wednesday, September 20, 2006

things are going well i guess. alyah is going to have a band. consist of nurli and some 2six-ers. haiis. nak buat juga. tapi, nak tanya siapa? nak tanya si melynaz macam paiseh like that. but i'll try asking them ah. seriously i want to make a band seys. macam syiok like that. maybe after exams, start jamming ah. nak ask a'an nanti she macam eeyer, don't know larx. nadrah, can't. if she can, i already ask her seys. nak ask boys, siapa? irfan hakim? hahas. i can laugh my head out. siapa ah. bobo, macam don't know ah. but then very weird if i ask budak sec.1. how?? the ''popular'' people all have their own groups. so how seys. nevermind. i try ask melynaz. then can ah. i'll get az to ajar melyn to play guitar. and i'll somehow [don't know how], learn to play the drum set. seriously, i nak buat band seys. nak ask kak dayah? haiyyax. HOW?!

but then kalau nak buat band, mesti kekal. macam mana ah?? sec.2 aminabi & shab. tapi those two macam, urgh! hulabagi, mana they nak. BM, eeee. tak nak arh. menyusahkan jerx. ya, the only way is ask the melynaz. i'll try. woots. harap-harap dapat buat band urhs.

now 2five is at the first floor, 1seven classroom. it was a classswap. whathell la. nevermind. bobo, get well soon aites :) exams are around the corner. hope can pass. gugugugu.