Friday, March 27, 2009

& it ended with a twist, downwards.

& yea baybeh! 3weeks off! i've officially completed my PPP : D *starts screaming like a mad woman*
my first 2 months at SP has been a wonderful one even though there were major downs. nevertheless, with the friends i've made, i truly love the polytechnic experience (: not only that, i've completed my first 4 modules! & i know it's nothing to be proud of but i gain a freaking B for E.O.M : D

& note to self: be confident during presentation. do NOT read fast (i know, i know) & lastly, keep doing freaking well for theory ^_^

however, for the past few days, i caught the flu bug. from malaysia (eyy what's this mann). till now, i've not yet recovered fully. it was truly an embarrassment when i kept coughing in the MRT here in Singapore. not only that, the nausea feeling after every meal, oh gawdd, that isn't good. plus having to look out for someone too ;) get well soon ok?

for the past 2weeks, many things happened. ups & downs, still life have to go on. i did my solo presentation for I.D.E.A module & i felt it went great. the minus point is that i kept repeating some words, i didn't really showed confidence & i was speaking almost like a bullet train (i know, i know).

i seem to be jumping to topics aye? ;P

last tuesday met up w anna, jeremy & another 4/7 guy. for the SPSU(pronounce it as SPISU, nyahaha) camp briefing. i hope the camp will be fun. the briefing was fun. yes, like always, i had to do a forfeit (i lost 3 times in the game: concentration O.o). i had to actually introduce myself to the whole lot that were present for the briefing. paisey but mann, i'm famous! LOL, okay no. after that i met up with nadrahhhh! did my prayers at her house before heading for band! mann, raimi & solomon were there too. ahahks. after that headed to central whereby my mood turned off due to some unexpected things, sheesh.

wednesday was supposed to go blading with anna but sadly i didn't because i was down with terrible fever :/ however, it got better in the afternoon & i went to meet shab & rre. we had a lot to talk about. see funny pictures (only WE know) & just talk randomly. i miss them loads!

i'm lazy to update. still not getting any better. now i feel like puking. gaah. so does someone. ohmygawdd! plesae can we all get well soon?! haishh.

& i really really miss you, loads. please, get well soon (: