Monday, December 17, 2007


& he owns ASIAN IDOL :D
like, who could ever thought it was Hady Mirza?! i must admit, he did screw up. but the performance with Jaclyn(sp?) was fabulous. he was awesome i tell you! like hell ya singapore owns it! ahahks :D


i just finished watching this malaysian drama. omg, that is one of those dramas which could actually really put you to tears. like literally. i almost shed those tears of mine. i bet the director, cameramen were all crying when they filmed that drama. like seriously. & it's also a drama which have a learning point behind it. that is never forget those who had actually sacrifice everything in their life just for you. example, our parents. sigh. omg, the drama is still playing in my mind. watch, if you get the chance to. to those who can't see people cry, please prepare a tissue box, containing tissues, beside you. really. the title of the drama is Srikandi Di Hatiku.

it's currently 0213h or so. it's about 1945h or so at wherever my friend is. sigh, 6more days. goddamnit, i'm enduring, not really. but i know, he is enjoying his trip, ya (:
seriously, i miss my friend ):

& to aishah: thank you for relying the message to my friend (:
ini macam, selalu laa kena mimpi. ahahks, you know what i mean. nyehs.