Friday, February 23, 2007

obviously everyone's like not happy/satisfied with the band performance today. prfft. results proven for not having band after a break. disaster playings. you can & can't blame us you know. but oh wells.

strike out for all i care alright. they think they're already good and thus need not come. so you don't have to keep them in the list to be sent to perform right. you jolly well know already. so why even bother keeping them in it? what.? hoping a ray of miracle would suddenly struck them to beg them to come. what by that time, probably SYF's nearing already. like you said, we have approximately 6weeks you know. 6 DAMN WEEKS. just go on with whoever that's there and bother to come and practice.

& for crying out loud! who says people don't go visitation early as 0800hr in the morning?! or 9 for that matter since you have to be ready by 8 or whatever. & don't think people who ain't chinese won't come tomorrow because of chinese new year visiting. they too have their own plans. if you don't take it as important, then your lost. maybe we too should do the same. that's nice.

you want us to love band, ok we will. we come for practice, practise real hard. get so the semangat in learning new songs. the next thing we know, we got lectured like some don't know rebelious students. when we weren't. at least we took the time to come. so what if we're sightly late. i mean, come on la ok.

& stop it with your class-ism ok. call out only your class students' name. you think they so fantastic? wake up can? some can even play and memorise the notes. that just shows that how dumb they can be actually.

SYF nearing. happy? sad? worried? excited? your pick. i just hope i get to nail sunrise song. i mean, can you just SET IT TO A RIGHT TEMPO?! how fast is it?! i played that speed you're conducting now, once, you scolded me. now i played the tempo you always ask me too, you scold me also. can just set it to JUST ONE tempo can?! you don't come and blast at me anyhow alright. i can also blast at you if i want. i can be rebelious if i want. try me. prfft. PINEAPPLE NOT WORKING. bleargh.

sometimes eyh i don't know whether to be semangat of band or not. some days i feel like it. somdays i don't. and he thinks he's too handsome and talented. oi! boleh jalan la. no offence alright. no, i don't mean the person who always shout at me for playing the WRONG tempo because i played what HE told me too. but oh wells, some should know. even as they grow, their ego gets even bigger along the way. well some that i see. thinking that they can play so well. padahal, it's just the same like us. prfft. pretenders. oh wells.

ok i lazy to blog long long. tomorrow 0730h, meeting iqa & mrIKANjunkie. which is nizam. night.

missing ):