Monday, February 12, 2007

i gave the chance.

&! YOU took the opportuinity.

ironic isn't it. you said you wouldn't take it but YOU did. oh how lovely.
i love you for that.
that's sarcasm for YOU from ME.

even if it's the hundredth time you said you won't, you still will.
you never fail to make me smile & laugh on the outside & cry in disappointment inside.

somehow i feel boys can be a better bitch than us girls. they are much more bitcher than us.

and their words, such a rubbish. much more worse than a rubbish i think. really a pity.

oh well i better be off doing my d&t.

it takes a bitch to know a bitch, boy. well too bad i'm not one.

i gave the chance. &! you took the opportunity. i rest my case.

what are you trying to say actually.

*left hanging...*