Saturday, August 05, 2006


yesterday night was the night i cried. bullshit seys. lucky he say honestly. haiyoosh. well it's true what rre said. people change. i don't know what to say anymore larx.

today go do banner with rre. what time ah? gugugu..

i got no mood to update seys. i like feel very sad2 like that. don't worry ah ok.

oh ya i got back all my common test except for science.

maths ;9TEEN/46
history ;53/60
england ;9TEEN/30

9teen for almost all. gagagagugugugogogo. what the hell am i talking about?! nevermind. da la malas nak update. maybe i update later if i can that is.

oh ya today is the carnival at mayflower pri. my dear cuzzie is part of it. don't if nak go or not. i like no mood like that. haiis. eyh get well soon taus. she has an ulcer in her throat. infection. sakit kan. ouch!

da la nak go sembahyang. ciao!