Tuesday, February 02, 2010

paul wesley>>stefen salvatore ♥

& paul wesley as stefen salvatore :D

meet stefen salvatore. a character in vampire diaries. well vampire diaries is actually a book. has 3 books to it. written by L.J Smith. however, ever since th twilight craze, this book has become a tv series as well as a movie. th tv series is awesome. i like! not quite sure when th movie's coming out though. th book was out like ages ago. read it twice. it's very nice. not because of th vampire stuff. just th setting and yea (:

i want th whole collection of vampire diaries books fr birthday, please. these covers! and the 7th book of House of Novels. gawddd, i'm supposed to be studying and yet i'm updating and having wish list. my birthday is not even coming laa. haiyoo rau!

speaking of birthday,


sad much we can't meet to catch up on things as well as a birthday treat fr you. haha. nvm. we'll find a day (:

exams are around th corner. can't wait to get it done and over with. finding work too at th moment :/ i hope i pass my exams w flying colors. if not, then at least a GPA of above 3.0 is suffice. i need to do well. sigh.

okay, i'm done updating.

" & breathe-recite-relax, "