Friday, July 18, 2008

friendship, crash.

& honestly i tell you. i miss that bestfriend of mine. or so to me she is and will always be. really, however, i'm tired of being the one making the first step to make the friendship better. i don't know. maybe what nur amirah said is true. we'll just have to see.

& oh, trust me. when i say i don't, it means i don't. i don't miss the rest of them. read between the lines, please. & i'll keep my options open.

however, one thing's for sure. i miss nadrah. i don't know. i'm just not there yet to start the ball rolling. it hurts just that much when we argue. friendship at test is much painful than relationship at test, trust me. can i have my bestfriend back, please. sigh.

& to the rest of the girls (they know who THEY are), ya i don't miss you girls. however, i miss the what to me is T-R-U-E friendship. i miss all those times. however, was it only to happen when i'm happy & not like this? don't make wrong assumptions. the friends i needed the most just bailed out on me & thought i'm like this because of relationship. that's why i don't miss the rest of my usual girls except nadrah.

i don't have expectations in friendship. if i do, i'd rather design my own kind of friends. however, when i needed them the most, they aren't there. when that happens, all those fcuk things come out. it hurts that much when all these happens. i don't know about you girls, but i do feel hurt when the friendship is being challenged. i'm out of words.

there. bye. & i owe some people a lot. thanks ya'll : D