Wednesday, October 24, 2007

count the no. of "because"

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& i wish at times, i could place the gun at your head and make you realise.

i feel like making a statement here. since it's my blog, or i presume it should be, i'll just say what i have to say. but you know, with all the oohs & ahhs going around, i suppose this post have to be slightly specific. or else, this could all lead to another misunderstanding (: ya digg? okay lame. but well, here goes.

as far as i'm concern, i think you should understand the term private/personal/confidential. i suppose you do because you're smart, yes? & when i wish to talk about those matters to someone which doesn't need your presence, i suppose you should understand that. you see, if zomboo & rabmek can understand, so why can't you.. plus you#2? i don't wish to do this you know. i do have my patience, thank god for that, which i really do. alhamdulillah. but sometimes, the sentence, everyone has their limits, really do come in handy, yaww. i don't think it's polite and necessary for me to go vulgar or angry. plainly because it's never a nice feeling to do so, trust me. firstly, it will only cause hatred to surface. second, it's never the best way to resolve things you know. i shan't name you people because i know it's never a nice feeling to actually be exposed since i know you people will be ashamed. thank me for that yaww (:

if it kills you so much to see me talking to someone about PERSONAL matter, i guess you better look at yourself first you see. because when it comes to personal matters, mouths which doesn't have their locks to it, can somehow, let the cat out of the bag[did i even use it correctly]. i'm really sorry to say that. however, i do admit, at times, my mouth needs to be locked. well, by this time, one of you will think it's you. i'm just saying it in general here. so no hard feelings you know. anyways, i don't go around asking what you & whoever you're talking to, talking about what. shit, forgive me, my english sucks. back to the topic, i mean it's like who in the hell world am i to intefere or be kaypoh for that matter in that sense. you understand? it doesn't have to always be you the one who knows everything. because, sigh, i hate to say this. you, in a way, wants to know what everyone's talking about when they are being secretive towards you. while when you're being secretive towards your friends, you won't tell us. conclusion? you're an ironic person.

& by the way, i so rock your mother... sorry, i won't use vulgarities here. i so rock hard more than you. *smiles* but in actual fact, i don't. i admit i don't. because i'm being too secretive. therefore, i don't rock. neither is my partner in crime. hence, we don't rock while you & you#2 do. yay yay, no. this is what should NOT have happen you know. then comes this question that you really should consider, although i know, examinations are over. WHAT IS FRIENDSHIP TO YOU? sigh, it gets more clearer to me that... nevermind. let's just keep that to myself (:

& i know this next piece is going to be obvious already laa, if you can actually see it though. hint: a new group. does that ring a bell in your head? *ding dong* the rest of it, you can complete the story yourself. because i'm tired of it. sigh, i rest my case. but let me tell you & you#2, never have i hold grudges on you both, exception to those times when i was having an immature thinking [more when in pri & sec], forgive me. other than that, i've got my thinking straight about all this. so ya.

now that i have ended my ever boring post, i wish to ask a simple request, can? don't turn this blog into a place to say out/throw/spit out vulgarities. it's not a place to vent out anger or a place to make false critics. so ya. thank you (: nevertheless, i won't spark a controversy here. because i know that YOU know, it's wasting your life & energy. so if you know that, please, do clear out the dark clouds around us all. because it's not worth doing this. & you know it! (:

okay, i realise i've been saying the word because many times. about.. uhh.. wait ahh. there are about 9 because in that entry. lalala. ohh wells. i hate doing this. but at times, if we can't express it in a form of verbal words, at least typed or written ones will help. because[this is the 10th] yes i admit, i'm too afraid to say it to your face. but then again, i hope that you will understand and will give a thinking about it. & not go around saying i'm the one wrecking that friendship. because[11th] as far as i'm concern, i don't go around doing that. sigh. i'm done. i rest my case. oh gawdd, someone please tell me this is all a misunderstanding. gaah! aiyoo!

& 3/5 BBQ's in like how many days time. i'm so excited. & the response to having one was fast. everyone was geared up for it. especially sean tan. haas. RRE, you don't mind eyy? thank you. for awhile only[no, not the thank you] (:

okay laa, i'm off. i'm sick of blogging very long Long LOng LONg LONG post. because[12th] i just don't like laa ok. nyehs.