Tuesday, April 24, 2007

so tomorrow i'll be having another of my SS test. on Nothern Ireland. using the skills which is comparison & reliability which i know i suck at. especially reliability. prfft. but i'll do my best (: as you know MYE is coming nearer. next week itself, on friday, 270407, it's paper one of both the language paper. & i know my language is turning into rojak. that explains why i feel that i did badly for my oral. oh gawd! but it's the past. so now i'm looking forward to MYE. i want to get it done and over. so, ya.

& currently my right eyebrow is twitching. i don't know why. ahhkayy whatever. so currently i'm doing nothing that is useful. except going through boring same old web. playing online games which is starting to bore me out and chatting with whoever that chats with me. mainly dzul, nadrah andddd... dots.

&& hanisah. tomorrow i'm so going to roll on the floor, laughing. HOPHOP. new genre. hah! man, i think... no, not think. i AM evil yawww. as usual. i'll never change that part of me. commenting and making jokes out of it about people, things, animals. basically, anything that i notice & feel it's worth making a joke out of it. nyehs.

& dear friend, i hope you'll recover soon. even though you don't know me. but you know my bestie. i really hope you will recover soon. i don't wish to lose a friend. even though we don't even know one another. please, for the sake of my bestie. right now, only our prayers is all we've got. & i hope it's enough. i wish you speedy recovery, friend (:

it's sad to hear a close friend or whoever, passed away. and no, i'm not referring to my friend. but someone who is close to my heart. and my cousin's too. no, not someone who is blood related to us. but... she really was a great teacher. she taught us well. i really respect her. it's shocking... she left. i couldn't bear to cry as i know if i cry, i've accept the fact that she's gone. i was really down. but i know... nevermind. i won't say it here. haiis.

okay i've nothing much to say. so ya, byeee.

this was suppose to be SUNDAY'S POST. 220407