Wednesday, January 31, 2007

i've tolerated enough with all the shiets you have. i was kind enough to always give in to you. all your shiets i pass it. and this is what i get in return. wow! so what does this prove? well, you think about it! what if i were to do this to you. i can you know. anytime. you name me the day and set the time. i can GLADLY do.

this is what you get it people pijak your kepala habis-habis. it's irritating and KNN. urgh! you know what. just carry on with your pathetic actions and see if i care. i don't give a shiet anymore alright. all this was just plain bullshit! numerous times i was patient with all your shiets. and now, this is what i get. what brain wave signal is your brain sending to your other body parts. huh?! what more do you want to do. i almost cried yesterday. but i held back my tears. whatever ok shiet. grrr...

yes. i'm a SMACT kind of blogger. what does it mean? go figure out yourself dumb. i don't usually say nice things to please people. i hurt them. i don't give a shiet to people like that someone. all your pathetic sayings all are plain PUII! ok enough of that bugger. grrr...

no logical sense maths equation.
black + black = orangeybrown.
WOW isn't it. that's why i fail my maths. urgh! lepas satu. alahai.

singapore : 1. thailand : 1. alamak! insya'allah singapore will win. BAIHAKKI!!! nyehs.

valentine's day is just 2weeks away! woo. why saya happy about it? nevermind.

ok i've said enough. i'm still panas dalam with that bugger. how much more pathetic can you be. bloody fcuk.