Wassup ya all!!Okay me todae nvr go skool cuz OVERSLEPT!!Hehehehe.......=)but nvm.'N' get dis.S.Maryam saes dat almost all 'e' malay gurls in me class join malay dance for the upcoming DeepaRaya celebration.But me wanna be 'e' black sheep of 'e' malay class.Izzah too nvr join.I dun think I'm fit to b a malay dancer.Cuz me a bit lyk tomboy.But nvm.No matter wad,I'm nvr eva gonna join ani malay dance.Mayb as my career I wanna take up a band.Mayb I'll plae 'e' Guitar or 'e' Drum.But I lyk drum 'e' BEST.Want to buy one.Me mum saes can buy one.But cannot cuz me live in a flat.If me CRASH!!BANG!! arr...neighbours will come out horns on their heads.So me ask if can buy guitar.Den she ask want to play guitar??Den she say can.But...I muz noe how to plae.But nvm...Well dat's all me hav to sae....byez...=)