Yo wassup!K...nth much.But me soooooo happi cuz me got issue 10 of W.I.T.C.H. comic.Next issue which is 11th I'll be gettin a bracelet which is soooo darn cool.But to bad I can't wear it cuz me not allowed to wear one.But nvm.Me dun lyk to be so lyk gurly.Me concept is Rap type.Not punk,nor hip-hop,nor R&B.Okay mayb 20% of all those dat I said no.So it's 60% of the not my type,I mean all add up together,and 40 % of full rap.=)Okay but me not insultin other concept.I lyk yo be part of rap,R&B,punk,hip-hop,classic n jazz.I juz wanna cool things out.So I hope u peeps out there if fightin over concept,juz relax.Dun insult one another's concept.K..dat's all me hav to sae...Byez....=)