Saturday, October 24, 2009

little mary drop to the ground,

1st week of school & already i'm tired. however, i shall not be a loser and call it quits for school. i love the modules i'm learning. i'm having loads of fun with my lovely poly friends. & best of all, my 2nd week of school is going to rock balls. especially on the 28th and 30th. it's going to be hell fun.

i know i'll be totally drained on wednesday but i don't give a shiet. i know i'm going to endure the whole day. i can't wait to dance up to the stage. HAHA! i can't wait to touch the PA controls again. i can't wait to see the secondary students. sadly, my school back out last minute. sheesh! or else, i would have felt proud. PROUD OI! sadly, no. but i don't care. i mean, no surprise laa. nvm.

that aside. i need to get my introduction to microbiology notes printed out. it's going to look like shit thick! because it is. and i didn't know cells have food too, ribosomes. someone, please say i'm learning and not that i'm stupid :/
mr ting is awesome. *CONFIDENCE!* lol. bio is not something which is easy for me. let alone physics back then, sheesh. hence, this calls fr jerry jerry strawberry. th bio genius. haha. let's just say he's very smart ;)

if bio is going to take up much of my time, so will the others. IO CHEM! omg. orbital, subshells, energy level, uhh... 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 etc. lol much. but i thank god because i'm taking 6 modules this semester : D the same as last semester. my other friends, well they're taking 8, including GEMS.

anyway, something shocked the shit out of me. however, it's nothing. just one coincidental situation (:
& i'm done (:

" Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves "
- Sir James M. Barrie: Inspirational Friendship Quotes