Tuesday, August 21, 2007

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&& school is like becoming a place for me to sleep. gawdd, yes i am tired. i feel sick. boo.
lucky for me, i pass all my common test(excluding english, because we haven't receive the paper back, yet) and class tests too. yayness. okay, boo.
next week is the last week before the 1week school holiday.
but there's english remedial/supplementary, yes? i want to go ok. we're missing out alot already. 0800-1000hr yaww. on tues, wed & thurs. i think it's okay. since after most probably going out. or maybe not. depends (:
after 1week holiday, i should by then turn into revision studying mode. exams are coming. 28th sept. is paper1 for both english & mother tongue paper. main paper starting on 3rd oct. woots. all the best (:

by then, it's the fasting month. so ya. && 13th oct is hari raya. woohoo! then bla the bla the bla.
i got nothing else to update, yes?
okay then, bye (: