Wednesday, April 02, 2008

& again...

& you had me falling for butterflies just like i had fallen for you

i ended up not going to school, again. however, i did go for breakfast this morning. my aim was to go breakfast as well as school. somehow, on the way to school, i almost went black out. the heat inside my body was acting up again. i couldn't seem to walk properly. i can't laugh nor talk nor show any expressions. nadrah said my lip was pale. alyah & shazni said i was in between. they advised me to go home, & i had to. sigh. so much for not wanting to miss school. thank god ms lim said i'm able to take my NAPFA on another day. thanks for your concern ms lim (:

the weird part was that everyone was walking to school, while i was walking against their direction. people were looking at me. i was already trying to stay strong as far as i can. once home, i couldn't take it anymore & went to bed to rest. the headache was really acting up. sigh.

in the morning, met my friends at 0700h. nash couldn't make it, sadly though. went to loyang point to eat. walked past GVSS. *i was hoping to see him doing duty since i remember loyang point is near there* however, they were doing flag raising. gaah. anyways, we should eat at loyang point more often *not because of walking past GVSS* as the place there is quiet and calm (:


i need to eat. i really have to. however, i'm not eating. well, ok i ate just a moment ago. well, i was forced to. not that i wanted to. really, i have to eat. i need to eat. anybody willing to force me to eat? the sad fact here is that i can't eat oily, spicy, too salty food. that means i can only eat tasteless food. gawdd, this is what i get for not eating properly & for skipping meals.


i miss my friend. i think my friend is disappointed in me for not taking care of myself. i love my friend. i must start eating properly. i must not stress myself. my friend has been very patient with me, thank you. i want my friend, now, please.