& get annoyed by the jumping ninja turtle :D
went to band BBQ. ahaks. since dayah sms me in the morning asking if i was going. actually i had no plans to go. but then again, i was bored at home & also syuhrah asked me to her BBQ. so i thought maybe i can go to band's too. around 1300h plus called my mum & asked if i can go. she said ok. but must be back before 1900h. then called dad, he gave the green light too. went there with liyana since she was going to band BBQ.
met her at downtown Macs & headed to nadrah's house to carry the foods. went her house, took the food, went back to downtown to aranda country club. ahahks. ok, i'm tired to type out the whole thing. didn't really went to syuhrah's. just met her outside. ya. around 1800h, called mum to ask to extend. she allowed once again :D thanks mum!
so then both side BBQ didn't start till like 1900h. liyana & i got bored & went to buy ice cream. McFlurry. hehe. irwan & izwan were working. ahahks, cute twinnies (:
headed back to the band chalet. watched army days. then went down for BBQ. ate marshmallows, hot(dick)dog [inside joke] & chicken. then headed upstairs. missed out the waterbomb. but i had my BB gun [watergun -.-] haha. around 2045h liyana & i went home. reached home around 2130h :D
overall it was fun laa. bored a `lil here & there. but it was fun (:
well they are still there though. ahahks.
someone will be gone for 11 freaking days on the 11th, which is today & is checking at 11pm, which is about now. ya. now. enjoy ok (: KeeM, you too (:
will be missing my friend alot, i must say. ahahks *winks*
ok, i'm tired. night.