these were the three movies i've been continuously. since ermm... 3 days ago? about there. i was bored. so ya. and yes, these movies really got me hooked. especially bratz, followed by enchanted and game plan. they are wonderful movies to watch ok (: happily ever after. wazaa! nyehs. touching movie laa okay both game plan and enchanted. bratz, it's okay. more to BFFs. and how to not let any personality ruin BFFs bonding. so ya. okay, i shall not go in details about them. lazy urhhs, as usual. nyehs (:
so ya, i think this is the 2nd entry i'm posting today. haha. so ya. nyehs. tomorrow will be going out with anna (: i think so. haas, she hasn't sms me the details. dad didn't allow us to go bugis. but he allowed us to go to EXPO -.- wait, is the sale over or not? if yes, go there for what urhhs? hehs. whatever it is, i may still go bugis to get my items. nyehs, i'm being honest with dad about my whereabouts yaww ok. hehe. only thing i need is ahahks *chuckles* :D
i just finished reading allyme's blog. HAHA, that's all i can say about her post today. well to find out more, visit ALYAH a.k.a ALLYME. alyah, be honoured i'm promoting your blog here. hehe. well the quadraple date didn't happen. due to some circumstances. i went to JB in the end on that day. ohh wells. jordan, jeremy & saiful couldn't make it. hayden didn't make it either. okay wait, i'm repeating this part right? because i remember mentioning this in one of my previous post. oh? ahh nevermind, anything please proceed to alyah's blog (: thank you. nyehs. OH! to alyah & family, have a safe trip back & forth ok (: alyah, remember, grab me something from LA horx. haha. nahhh, will miss you sis! wazaa! & be sure to invite me to your wedding with your beloved wild boar tau. because i'm tempted to rape the child one. nyehs -.- uhh eww. hahas (:
okay i want to watch the television urhhs. cinta indah is going to start sooooooooooon. and someone is busy watching news and later on will be watching hikmah3. you & your hikmah3 jerr. sigh *shakes head* nyehs. haas. ohh wells. haas, okay ciao!