deleted the previous post. i posted that out of anger just now. wrong of me to. sheesh rau. sigh.
went to mosque today to try register for religious class. sadly, the person who was attending to us said that it was full, something like that. i was like "alaa". but then again, i think she didn't hear properly or i don't know. i don't want Year1 laa deyy. Year3. sigh. anyways, the lady told us to come back & try register again on 020108 to see if there are slots to go in. ohh wells, it's worth a try, again. i mean it's like, ahhh, nevermind.
anyways, had band yesterday. went school with alyah. she had PSL training. after that, headed to TM to meet qamarina, HOHO. she was with her new boyfiee yaww. sorry to say this, but Taufik Batisah looks better ok (: anyways, it was her first time meeting him (zzz). jadi matair online laa. sheesh. anyways, alyah decided to become paparazzi-tak-menjadi for the day. HUHU, we followed them. for a while only, then we let them go wander to, i don't know where, HAHA.
headed back to Pasir Ris. went to whitesands. alyah bought food for herself & bro at Macs. someone was at Macs eyy. HUHU. after that went to meet liyana at her block there. sat and chatted for a while. fun. about 1513h had to head home. once home, slept like a pig till 1830h. had weird dreams, really. ohh wells.
school's reopening in about 5days time. i'm not yet quite done with my homeworks. screw them i tell you. literally. sheesh, especially the ever hated(no offence) literature, BOO. shucks! & mr ng said the theme for next year Design & Technology will be out soooooon, which is on _ january. which is so fast laa ok. die die die. that one, cannot hold back. because there's folio, presentation board & artifact which will prolly take 3/4 of my life which i put it to studying use. ok exaggerated, but still. that means i'm going to have to burn the mid night oil almost every single fcuking day of next year. even my weekends are going to used up, sheesh! & mum can't nag at me for putting so much attention into it because it's my O level work, next year. literally, i'm freaking out here. & i need RBC study time sooooooon, like really. sigh.
by the way, RBC, we can't celebrate our mthsry. because it's on a sunday. HOHO. oh ya, i forgot, celebrating it next fri. SWENSEN :D shall chip in yawww (: there's going to be alot of events next year which falls on a wednesday. gaah! that includes nineeeeeeeeeee. wait long long till i end school ok. if that is possible (:
ok, bye.