some of the pictures taken during A.G.M. yes i know, so many SPSU group photos taken. however, all different shots. very funnaye (: A.G.M was a success. even though the planning took 2weeks. a great achievement i should say : D it was kind of a new feeling for me to actually get to feel what it is like being in EXCO, even if it is as an assistant (:
after the whole thing, we headed out to the refreshment area. i have a funnaye senior kept bowing to me, in a form of respect *inside joke*. taking photos with the people whom i managed to take with. & yes, all the guys are taller than me. geez, LOL. & the last two pictures are dedicated to izzat who... LOL. hahaha.
though there were some unpleasant things which happened before that, but i'm glad it all got erased off my chest just right before A.G.M. for that moment. i love my seniors (: thank you so much! ♥
& thank god i have patience. if not, my mouth would have gone like !@#$. like literlly.
shabrina made a stop at SP today. & we made a conclusion about the two polytechnics. don't need feel awkward (: haas. funnaye things happened. & she managed to meet the infamous person, *inside story*. went off after that. sadly, didn't overnight at union. couldn't ):
on a lighter note, meet up with shab & rre. there's so much to talk about & we know it! haas. & to add on, sunday! ♥
alright, got to go. tired already.
& oh, i passed A&PC quiz! : D *aizat, we did it!*