see the bigger picture? see the guy in red? yes he's my brother. no, he's not chinese. & yes, i love him to bits. he turns 20 today. one more freaking year & he has his freedom. ohmygayy, i have to wait for another 4 years for that to happen. however, it's okay, i still love the life i'm having now ^_^
anyway, the two small pictures were the few that were taken yesterday. the adults & the kick ass cousins. yes, they rock like hell. first time we had that kind of big group photo : D i love them all!
had gathering-cum-birthday/anniversary celebration dinner at orchid country club. the food were awesome! we ate so much that we literally got full. then... someone (i forgot who) suggested we play this particular game. ohmygayy, i tell you! i lost in that game before & the forfeit was to drink up this avocado + coconut drink which looked horrible, well, cause the color looks like shiet. & yesterday we played it again. this time, 9 people. we played with much enthusiasm as we do not want to be the loser and eat up the chosen plates. haha. unfortunately for me, i lost, yet again. & hazwan was like, "rau tak yah main lagi laa. 2nd time kalah" like what the heck, lol. my bro was the 2nd loser and hafiz was 3rd. so we each were given a plate or bowl of the unfinished vegetables and have to finsih it up. i was lucky to get the nice one. HEHE! although i had problem swallowing it and need to wash it down with water. after that they played again till we had a sole winner, which was hariz, who doesn't eat veggies... AT ALL, or maybe a lil but ya, he was lucky enough. while the rest of us had to eat, ahahks. our parents were laughing at us because we were all like scared freaks when playing the game. LOL.
after that had birthday cake. OREO CHEESECAKE! yummy! it was to celebrate brother's 20th, dad's.... shall not disclose it & my parents' 21st anniversary. yes yes, all in the month of june. hehe.
after everything, got out of the restaurant &... camwhored, literally. this is the first time my cousins all are cam-freaks. really. we never had so much fun taking pictures & we decided to have a cousin picture. hehe.
after everything, we left for home. i love my family & cousins : D
can't wait for the next gathering. teehee ♥
as for today, somehow my morning didn't turn out right, but it's okay (:
after that went to had my picture taken for my passport & headed home to take my studying materials & head down to hougang. studied till 1200hr & had lunch at LJS : D *ahh, bully people somemore, see what happen, hehe* then went to meet derek & toured around hougang. oooo, monfort junior & secondary are two nice buildings : D i like. however, i was kind of amused upon hearing one of the visitors' rules. but, true true. lol.
after that derek left to meet fauzi & the rest & we continued our walk all the way to buangkok area there. just kept on talking and talking. funnaye (:
head home after that & slept for a while but i slept till 1900hrs & managed to only teach my cousin for about 10mins. lol. my bad. will be a better tutor next time xD
overall, the days are fun. i love them. can't wait for 17th & 18th : D
OH! before i go...
nights (: