HAPPY *insert double digit* ABAH! ♥♥
he & my mum so cute laa. i love you a lot okay (: though i don't have any gifts, literally, for you on your birthday (bad bad daughter), but the best gift i can ever give is me doing well in my tests, since secondary till now, till whichever education level i can achieve. though i can be an ass at times, but i really love you. nothing beats having a dad like you even if you are strict. & thank you for all the awesome talks we had whenever i come home from school and complain to you about almost everything that happened in school. i love you, abah (': happy birthday again : D
and tomorrow's the 28th. so...
*sorry i took it from your blog*
it's been long since i saw her. well she's taking Os this year, so all the best in mugging for Os and taking the Os (: JIA YOU! see you around (: ♥
& tomorrow shall the last day i'm paying back my fast. yessah! & i know, i know, very the late laa. ahahks. but heyy, i managed to pay them all right (: & it shall be studying day for me, again. geez. MST week starts this monday, 29th all the way to friday, 3rd july. which is BM's 17th birthday and PRCS 10th anniversary. damn, my bro is going. sheesh. must tell me how it went horr!
alright, shall turn in now. i miss my book. nevermind, at least i'm able to tell myself to study and not read. CPPA and MIP and Basic Maths. ohgawddd! need to buck up on them. i've spent too much time on chemistry and physics (well more on chemistry). so it's time i give the other 3 modules more attention. JIA YOU RAU! sigh.
ohh, by the way, the world already know that the king of pop passed away yesterday (singapore time). of course it was a shocked for us all.
his songs are all awesome. and i still remember when in sec2, danced to the song, BEAT IT. lol. catchy song. i doubt anyone can replace his spot and the king of pop. even if there is, it won't be the same. R.I.P michael jackson.
alright, i better turn in. night.