& tell me something i don't know.
4th week of school is coming to an end. i just had my first test official school CA test yesterday, CRS. at first it was scary much. however, it wasn't that bad when i was having it (: *i managed to hold my pee just for the test, lol* i hope i did well (:
last friday i went for the SPSU interview. again, nerve-wrecking. to add on, i was having this uber sexy turn rocker voice. which is horrible, till now. i got super nervous entering the room. had 358429672 pairs of eyes on me. had questions thrown to me, nicely of course (: & i think i answered it all, accordingly?
results were out on tuesday. sadly for me, i couldn't be there because i wasn't feeling too well. however, my head committee gave me a call. under welfare committee. shockingly got into that committee, but better than nothing. met my head committee the following day (yesterday) only to find out i had to fill up this nomination form. i'm an exco member (: a big leap, for me, that is (:
next monday will be having A&PC quiz. oh gawdd, 5% oiii! must try get full marks. if not, anywhere 40 & above is good. *praying hard*
need to buck up on MIP & CPPA. come on, you have to make me get interested in the module. especially MIP. i agree with edmund. the lectures are better than the tutorials. however, i still get restless no matter what.
& i read there will be polling day next week? ohh gawddd, i'm super nervous. i'm not the voter. i'm one of the nominees. *freaks out*
i had my reasons to why i do certain things. i even avoided him just to let you & him spend time together with friends. you didn't know that. i deliberately chose to walk slowly behind & kept telling him to walk foward to you & talk to you. i chose to be invisible & not talk to you both. i did them all. however, deep down, i wish i didn't. i wish i had him to myself during those short moments i have just to see him. it sucks to hear what i heard. it's like wtf. idk what to say already. but, hey, main point, ilh.