& it's too fast, it left even before i managed to hold it down to the ground.
& week 6 is coming to an end. yes yes, next week the primary & secondary will be having their holidays already. we'll be having ours on week 8. doesn't sound like a holiday to me. more like study break & projects-to-be-completed-week. feel the stress, it means you're still alive & still in reality.
i've been to 2 meetings so far. i must say, it is pretty interesting attending these kind of meetings. & i love my seniors! they're awesomtastic (:
already have an event in hand. it's awesome because i'm working under daniel (: no awesome because... *lalala* like seriously, it's not worth my time trying to tear your lip apart, HAH!
anyway, i have an awesome welfare head. & i feel like a dwarf, literally, standing beside him. hmmm, if i feel that way, wonder how those shorter than me feel. but he is awesomtastic (: & my standing committee people are hyper : D had photo taking with them today. funnaye but nice.
*though i'm still stuck in between about something*
MST week is drawing nearer & nearer. OHMYGAYY! i need to know how to draw the tensile graph thingy a.s.a.p! i can't even get it right laa. AIZAT! help! & we passed! must work our ass off for the real one okay (:
so far been enjoying the modules. & so far, the only module i feel more or less able to cope is Basic Maths. surprise surprise! maths<->rau. it doesn't go well back then. but now (: i need to buck up on A&PC. i love chemistry but i have no confidence in doing well for it. it's not as easy as most people would think. i'm starting to give my attention in AE&E and CPPA. i like to question Anthony on things & then go up to the board/screen & point to the diagram/equation if i can never get what he's talking about. AE&E, i'm starting to understand it better. KONGcussion's class really is funnaye & cute. only DCP/FT/1A/05 knows why ; D & this is just core 1A, semester 1. not yet core 1B, semester 2.
above or below that is the friends i have. my classmates rock big time. though at times i can't understand what they're talking about, but when i managed to pick up a few chinese words, i roughly understood what they were talking about (: & my titi have a lover. and he is older than me. wahh! LOL *inside joke of group A for CPPA* of course i'm beginning to bond with them all. they're next to my best class, 4/5` 2008. speaking of 4/5` 2008, i miss them ):
just above 1A/05, below 4/5` 08, there's the DPA CLUSTER 3. gawdd, they're the best shiet you can ever have! CLS & SMA click well! i miss them too. sentosa outing again soon!
& there's someone else in mind whom makes me smile, always (: my subway cookie delivery boy (;
hmmm, that's a long post already. i better turn in now. yesterday itself i reached home at 2230h. first time! but i had a great time talking to my seniors (: & make sure in future, if you wish to stretch your hand out to hit a person's face, make sure you face them. or else, you'll end smacking the person's face. LOL.
before i go...
28th May is the day (:
wait long long for the present, haas xD
& on 29th May, pop those balloons!
take care! & sorry couldn't head down for manifest ): see you around! ♥
& to those taking Os this year, MT paper is coming soon. all the best! O levels, miss those mugging moments.
& to some dick heads *omgayy, i learnt that from a certain someone!*, go gain some brain juice in that pea brain of yours before acting big. deal with it, your face is not worth being associated with malay.
& i'm proud to be half chinese, so i won't be embarrassing half of me.