& raindrops will fall (:
& i will never try my luck to go east coast again. next time i will have a proper tour guide ok. hehe :p
ended up going bugis. had lunch at the place mastura & i had last tuesday. haha. there, got this group of people laa seyy. see us, laugh laugh laugh. i almost felt like staring at them. sheesh. ended up, one of them was a junior of my friend. ohh wells. headed to bugis street. intended to buy some shirts. however, money tight laa seyy. so just walk around. sesat all the way to burlington... i don't remember the last part. then decided to go to suntec. hehe, macadamia nuts ice-cream! yummy. then walked to marina sq. then to city hall mrt station & headed home. was late slightly. lucky, never get scoldings. phew. sigh. hehs. was fun, except, i'm going to be fat i tell you. i've put on weight. sheesh. i don't want to end up like that drumstick legs woman laa seyy. really. sigh. anna foo, running soon ok? nyehs.
okay done, bye (: