ahh yes, the personal favourite of the helpers, right? (: it's so the nice laa ok. the dangling stars. oooooo. & those balloons filled with heliums. wazaa. i accidentally let go one of them. luckily it didn't fly off. now i know why we had to fill them up outside the hall. nyehs. slow laa ok. overall the area was ummm... uhh... white? and maroon O.o to blend in with the stage curtains & the red blinds. OH! & the scented candles were smelling nice. if only it was lit, oh gawddd, it would be so relaxing laa seyy. too bad couldn't stay till night. intended to. however, the last survivors were i, amanda & jaslyn. so, decided to head home. & since i had nizam's cooler with me, gaah. haas. oh! pictures are with BM. woots.
speaking of nizam, he looks good. smart laa seyy, & finally, his hair! he styled his hair :D oh! sean tan was looking hot. haas. pictures are in my camera which i loan it to nizam. nyehs. sally was pretty. atiqah [3/3] was looking stunning i tell you. she looked gorgeous! and the dress was wow. haha. omg, next year, *screams* nyehs. so ya. ohh, that woman looked ok. & she had her hair done nicely. her dress was nice. dang laa ok. a year more for me, sigh, haas. while on the way home, bumped into hazwan, abg madir, kak fanaa, zulfiqar, yasin, & don't know who else and matin. nyehs. enjoy yaww people (: matin looked surprisingly smart. and contact lens eyy? haas. mata sepet laa seyy. sorry xp whatever.
okay, i'm done. oh, tomorrow, east coast? hmmm (: