Thursday, April 19, 2007

190407. uh-huh. & it's been a year since we became friends ((:
eyh jangan nak perasan ok. *raudhah kembang* huahuahua.
ok whatever. so 190406 time 1946hr till 190407 time 1946hr marks exactly a year since we became friends. woots. ahkayy whatever. bodohs you. nyehs.

anyways, razzan, don't be too sad yarh. i know you people tried your best. probably the standard had been raised. you all sang well, really. but maybe this year isn't much luck. but since you'll be sec5 by 2009, i hope you can bring back up the medal you guys achieve two years ago ok? & i won't poke that panda-eye-bag ok if you have it tomorrow. that's sooo ewwww alright. haha you really trigger my laughter even though you're sad. while i trigger yours. macam paham gitu. whatever.

tomorrow is my malay oral. ohh dang. i'm the second last person because my name starts with the letter R. sheesh. oh wells. cikgu hartini's the teacher who'll be taking my class. & the following day is english oral. both are killing me as my speech are bullshits. i talk like an idiot. i can't talk fluently. and my words are all over the place. malay, fcuk it seys. my malay's like going downnnnnnnnnnnnn. sampai esok pun tidak akan berhenti. HAH! trying my oh-so-becoming-rusty malay language. like last year, fcuk shit the word test-tube babies. memalukan since i don't even know it in malay. and cikgu zainab had to say it for me. prfft. but insya'allah, i will do well.

&& nadrah, i'll pay back ok. it's not weird for raudhah not to eat for one day, sunddenly, right. i mean, haiyoosh. & don't worry too much aite. insya'allah everything will be ok. stay strongggggg ((:

ok, i'm done. i better hit the sack. night.
1year of friendship ((: thank you. nyehs. stupid timpani players. forever seys. ahkayy whatever, night.