& meet th salvatore brothers (stefen & damon)
th gilbert siblings (elena & jeremy)
elena's bestfriends (bonnie & caroline)
elena's ex-boyf of 15 years (matt)
& lastly, th lady that th salvatore brothers used to be in love w (katherine)
& yes, vampire diaries. No, it's because it's about vampires. okay, maybe a lil. however, th book and show are really nice. idk how to explain it but oh wells. can't wait to get my hands on th three books after my exams : D plus(!!) th show on Mio TV. hehe. Episodes 1 to 8 of Season 1 have been awesome. PAUL WESLEY! lol.
&& double yes yes. i've all th 6 novels. however, i have 6 more to go. waiting fr them to be published. Next novel is titled, Burned. all th novels ends w -ed. weird. oh wells. can't wait to get it too : D after 4th March.
Th movie was out ystd. Will get th novel, i think. lol. saw th trailer and heard about it from ee lin. very nice movie. thought of watching it w clique. but they've decided on valentine day movie. TAYLOR LAUTNER! hehe. can't wait fr that outing. de-stressing!
&& can't wait fr picnic w rre, shab & BM. she too right? : D miss them all. can't wait can't wait. as well as GYL CAMP @ Sofitel, Johor, Malaysia. ning ning! we all crash into one room at night. haha! pssst* we still have performance to come up w :/
i'm down w 2 papers. 2 more to go. IO CHEM and CPPB. can't wait to get over and done w. i cried fr my EM1 ystd. was so stressed w physics based math that i couldn't do it. but Alhamdulillah, w me praying to God and friends who comforted me, i still went on taking th paper and syukur, i managed to do th paper. though it was tough. Insya'Allah i'll pass.
Niat > Doa > Effort (oh gawd, i frgt what is it in malay :/) > Tawakkal > Redha
that's what i learnt in T.A. (:
well, gtg. i want to read up on chemistry.