& it slipped out of mind yesterday morning that 14th Feb is valentine's day. it totally felt like a normal day. 2 days ago was friday the 13th. again, no one bothered about it. & today amazingly, i remembered that it's total defence day. yay! ok, no.
yesterday was pretty much spent wisely. of course i love the 2nd half of the day ;D exception of the awkward silence (i will never do that again) and something which turned my mood off, but everything went well back. other than that, yesterday was fine (:
i still have yet to update about my Mawai Eco Camp. speaking of that, tomorrow will be the first day i'll be having lessons. HAHA 3GEM modules & 1 IDEA module. what the hell are those. will be seeing all the fun people from cluster 3 (yes ah! no more group B, lol).
i've got nothing much to update, bye!