Sunday, December 28, 2008


When's the last time you ran?
-2 days ago at work.

Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
-i'm no cloth eater horr.

What are you dreading right now?
-having to go to work tomorrow, sheesh.

Do you celebrate 420?
-what is 420?

Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
-8 hours isn't even full, prfft.

If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do?
-in the beginning, anyone won't even come into my house since i'm lazy to even open my door on my "lazy days", ya dig?

Who last grabbed your ass?
-how in the hell world do you grab an ass, omfg.

Have you ever been on your school's track team?
-hah, look at my size & you will know, lol.

Do you own a pair of Converse?
-Converse is a brand, how can i own the brand? that'll be awesome shiet.

Did you copy and paste this survey?
-totally. yes, i manage to copy it from farah's blog, muahaha.

Do you eat raw cookie dough?
-the one for making cookie or the B&J?

Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
-no, because it couldn't fly like a soccer ball.

Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
-the radio is innocent. blame the person who works as the radio deejay. radio can't work on their own.

Do you watch Trading Spaces?
-there's such a thing? wow, i didn't know. so that answers the question already (:

How do you eat oreos?
-i open my mouth, pop the oreo in, close my mouth, bite on it till it become bits and swallow. cool right, i know -.-

Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
-yea, it's worse than waiting for the cow to go "oink", trust me.

Are you cocky?
-my english is just that bad for me to even understand that.

Could you live without a computer?
-i've survived without a computer when i was an infant, so that answers the question (:

Do you wear your shoes in the house?
-not enough is it wearing shoes outside?

Who or what sleeps with you?
-the word "who" is kind of *shivers*. what sleeps with me, nothing. because non-living thing can't possibly sleep because they are already dead -.-

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
-i was supposed to believe he was real? O.o

How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
-isn't the word "phones" a general term for house & cell phones?

What do you do when you're sad?
-be sad. then what? be happy? -.-

Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
-the person in-charge of giving me the money for my winning lottery, so i can claim my money.

Last time you saw your best friend?
-best friend is dead. great friends still lives (:

Are you in high school?
-what is school at current (:

What jewelry are you wearing?
-if i tell you, what are you going to do?

Is anyone on your bad side now?
-uhh no?

What's the first thing you do when you get online?
-since when do i appear online nowadays? lol.

Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
-no, because i don't get a single thing about the series.

How do most people spell your name?
-by spelling it out or writing or typing it (:

Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
-yes, because girls can wear almost anything that guys wear, awesome aye.

Where do you work?
-where i earn money is where i work.

What are you doing tomorrow?
-work, what else.

Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
-if justin goes for a nose surgery and grows long black hair, yes.

Favorite name for a girl?
-i shan't say it.

Favorite name for a boy?
-neither for this too.

Will you keep your last name when you get married?
-from the day i was born till the day i die, my last name will be with me, forever.

When was the last time you left your house?
-27nd december 2008 at 7.15am (:

Do you return your cart?
-i wish i could steal it, but i can't, so i return it.

Do you have a dishwasher?
-as in the machine or manually?

What noise do you hear?
-noise that ranges from 20Hz to 20000Hz. go figure.

Would you survive in prison?
-totally. why won't i when i'm provided with food, place to sleep etc.

Who is the youngest in your family?
-the person who is doing this quiz.

If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?
-see the one with the most things in hand, & that person is the one who overpack.

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
-same name, yes but they got additional name at the front &/or different spelling.

What's the last thing you purchased?
-yesterday afternoon.

Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
-yes, when it's my birthday, the present which becomes my stuff is being paid by them.

What brand are your pants right now?

Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
-yes, in lala land. or so i thought.

What irritates you most on the internet?
-the internet itself when it goes bonkers.

What brand is your digital camera?
-canon & fuji.

Do you watch movies with your parents?
-on television, yes. in cinemas, don't even think about it.

What song best describes your life right now?
-who cares what type of song describe my life right now. i'm lovin' it. lol.

Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
-yes, & i'm afraid of finishing it.

Are you taking college classes right now?
-what is college classes? lol.

Do you like sushi?
-scrape the like. put LOVE. *screams to namira, "sushi!"

Do you get your hair cut every month?
-if that happens, it's like getting your period every month.

Do you go online everyday?
-i don't bother like i used to.

Will you pass this survey on to 5 people?
1. farreha
2. namira
3. syafiqah
4. aishah
5. syuhrah COUSIN