a big apology to liyana & shazni. i was sleeping when liyana smsed me asking if want to slack. sorry yawww :( make it up to ya aites. haas. i was also trying to make the injury dry. woots.
around 1900hr woke up, bathe, then did my homework, stopped half way for dinner, then continued again. & then was bored, blast music, read and then now blogging. boring, pretty much. oh, mum said my left knee, where the injury is, looks swollen O.o" my gawdd la seyy. ohh wells.
nothing much today. uhh, sorry anna, tomorrow i can't go. my money, lalalalala *BOOM*. you know what i mean. next week or so aite. haiis. tomorrow soccer, yes? no? boo (:
shit, i'm craving for McFlurry. ahhh. boo, bye (:
P.S. thanks ally for buying the tissue & plaster :) lucky those moron guyys didn't appear when i fell. if not, masya'allah. & thanks qayyum for being a doctor even if it's only for 10s or so (:
OH!!! &&