Todae,after skool,well...I tok to him.My god-bro lah.Well...he too wanna clear things out.Good news-He does not hav pofolificiefe refepofortfort.=)Bad news is...He well...smoke.Y??!!Cuz sumtimes when he can't handle sumthing,he will smoke.I mean stupid rite.Y muz do dat.I juz wan him to be my god-bro and a decent and clean guy.Dat's all...nth more.I hope he realize.Well,I told him he MUZ stop smokin...if he doesn't,well...I'll not entertain him.And...I juz walk away from him lah...den he was lyk chasin me and askin to to listen to him.But I didn't cuz I'm so hurt.Haigz...wht tough luck.But wadeva.I noe he's hurt too...So tmr muz giv him APOLOGY letter.Haigz...Oh ya tokin bout letter,I gav SPONGEBOB a letter.Haigz sori PRIVATE!!Hehehe...Well...ya hope things work out soon...Well,dat's all me hav to sae...BYEZ...
By:Mike=(...HURT AND SAD...