& yes, results were out yesterday. i must say, i'm quite please with the achievement i got. sadly enough i didn't get 5 As. even if so, i manage to obtain 3 As which is better than nothing (: and i was surprised as i had dreamt of getting the exact results that i got yesterday. however, in the dream, i cried badly. yesterday however, i cried due to happiness.
well, that's that. oh! did i mention about my sweet revenge? i guess not but i will now.
i totally beat someone, flat. RRE & BM were screaming for joy too. hehe. i told mum about it. she was surprised but did tell me that how lucky i was to get away from it just in time. & i'm glad with the group of friends i had who consistently studies, without fail, although PSPs were seen around during study sessions, teehee. my future is turning reality, slowly, insya'allah.
following that, i would like to congratulate these two ladies for having their names appeared on the screen.
firstly, NUR AMIRAH BTE ABDUL AZIZ. hah! now you're going to start school same time as me. & we
SO made
her shut up ;) you know what i mean. nyahaha!
& of course to this lady who brought up malay as well as being able to shut certain people up, just like me. NUR FARREHA BTE ABDUL JALIL. see i told you. other people would be doing you a favour by congratulating you on their blogs. we're so proud of you RRE. && send the pictures ok. nyahaha.
so while many students are busy choosing their polys/JCs and have many weird codes on their letter, mine is clean. teeehee. looks like i'm starting polytechnic on 2nd Feb
*hint hint*speaking of 2nd Feb, yes you finally beat me. like you said, it wasn't easy to beat me, but now you did. soooooo, what is there that i could get for you, hmmmm? lol. eyy go same polytechnic as me ok?
now that the waiting is done, next stop of enjoyment, sec1 orientation camp : D i can't wait for it. yayness. && before that. gig this coming saturday. ohmygayyy! it's the first time i'm going to a gig. call me a noobshiet, i don't give a shiet. sadly, someone won't be playing & that was one of the reasons why i decided to go. however, ohh wells, i'll get to hang out on that day too. && sean, remember, go with me, ok? (:
alright, here are my results.
english language: B3
;i freaking freaked out when i saw that damn grade. from a D7 during prelims to a B3 for Os. i must say, practicing comprehension with rre & doing composition for mdm kamisah as well as reading books/newspapers did the trick (:
mathematics: B3
;i was hoping for at least an A2, but what the heck, a B3 is still something. i did my very best for it. mrs koh's pile of worksheets & abg yan's tuition didn't go to waste (:
literature: B3
;yes Yes YEs YES! this is totally a surprised. people who knows me well knows my hatred towards literature. i never loved that subject. trust me, i never once read any of the book, except WLIIA (which is one day before paper). however, due to the guilt i bear after the motivational speech mrs june henry gave to the class (probably because she saw me yawn widely), i told myself i could do it for literature. from a consistent failure of at least a C6, the grade i was betting on to get for Os, i manage to get a B3. & yes, i've got lots to thank her for. i even told her the truth about it. thank you mrs henry (:
combined humanities: C5
;this was a shock to me, not the good kind of shock. i was hoping for a B3 for this and a C for literature (pure humanities). however, instead, the grades swapped. weird but i know i gave my all. & yes, someone is shocked by it. *razzan, i don't know what happen ok, heh* however, i've got to thank ms junainah, ms chua & mr azhar for giving us as much lessons as you could to help the class have confidence in this subject (:
combined science: A1
;i know, no surprise to this subject *like how some people always say, right sean*. however, due to the teachings i receieved from the teachers, friends & abg yan, as well as my interest in this subject, it does bring a positive result afterall.
design & technology: A2
;ahhh yayyyy! i remembered being half awake when i studied for theory. as well as was busy playing DJ max on the PSP, teehee. however, scoring an A2, i'm pleased with myself. & mr chang, it was worth you making me cry. to mr loh, yes yes, your naggy-ness paid off, lol. & to mr khalid, for improvising my project whenever you feel it could be (:
mother tongue:
before i type the grade, yes, i retook the paper. i'm sure people like aishah, rre & bm knew how stubborn i was when i strongly didn't want to retake. however, i gave in and retook the paper. i felt i had the confidence in getting an A1 as i keep telling myself if umar abdullah can get an A1 with a Merit for the 2nd time, so can i. & i gave a shot at it. & boy, when i got the result for the 2nd try, i cried & hugged BM. it wasn't a good grade, but i was happy it added the last distinction to the list.
a freaking A2!!
&& hence, i got myself
14 points for L1R5 and
11 points for L1R4. something to be pleased about aye? (:
well, i better stop here, for now. congrats to all those who had achieved what they wanted, or even better (:
& i almost forgot something.
HAPPY *insert the double digits* KAK ZAKIAH : DDD....in advance that is... by a day (: